Tuesday, May 13, 2014

JRN 200: The Elements of Journalism

When I first started teaching JRN 200, one of the required readings was a book entitled "The Elements of Journalism," which went less into how to do journalism and more into why we do journalism in the particular ways of this field.

I thought it was a great primer, but some time back there was a realization that we had waaay too many book readings in this class, so "E of J" was downgraded to an optional read.

Still, I thought the points and principles of the text were worth sharing, so what we'll do this week is read a summary of each chapter via the blog, which should take much less time than pouring through the book, or even listening to lectures about it (which is what my in-person JRN 200 sections get).

So, please follow along in the subsequent posts ...

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