For our first graded assignment, I'm giving you all a break, as we ease into the graded portion of the semester.
as long as you had no fatals (that is, fact errors) and your work met
the deadline, you received a 4.0 on this assignment. Each portion that
included a fatal dropped that grade by 1.0. Missing the deadline earned a
0.0. I did not grade adherence to AP Style (because we haven't started learning that yet), but I did note it.
I am emailing you back your work, with a grade
and instructor comments attached at the end. (some of the comments may
be inserted in your work, in bold face and all caps.) Many more comments
will be on the following blog posts, where I'm taking examples of our
work (with names stripped from the work) and pointing out what worked
well (and why), and what could be better (and how).
the method we're going to use in doing most of our learning in this
class: we will work an assignment, and then we will deconstruct the
assignment via blog and pick out and share whatever lessons we can learn
from it.
Now, please keep in mind the way we're
grading this assignment is a one-time deal. From here on out, you'll be
graded more precisely on whether you're correctly executing the concepts
we're reading and blogging about.
Having said that,
most people were very proficient in this assignment. Even without the
mercy grades, I think most people would have scored very well on this
assignment. Kudos to you folks.
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