Monday, October 30, 2017

Blog/Tweets #1: Let's Look At Some Posts And Tweets!

The simplest way I had to explain this assignment was in terms of something many of us are already familiar with: sports coverage. In the same way we do a game preview, live game tweets and then a game recap, we were to do an event preview, live tweets following the event as it happened and then a recap of the event for this assignment.

Some took the sports analogy and did literally that, and I think that's a good place for us to start. Here is one person's preview post, and then their tweet stream and finally their recap. See how the preview sets things up for the tweet stream, and then the recap nicely gets to end result and ultimate outcome? This is how we want multimedia products to complement and not copy each other.

Now, let's look at some examples using this format with non-sports topics including ...

* A birthday party preview and tweets and recap.

* Returning bottles preview and tweets and recap.

* Cooking dinner preview and tweets and recap.

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