Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Blogs/Tweets #1: Let's Look At Some Posts And Tweets!

Here are links to all our preview and recap posts, and tweet streams, on order in which they were turned in to me (the first one is first, and the last one is last).

Let's compare the work of each other and see what we did well, and what ideas we can get from others. Also, examine how the mediums complement each other: the preview does just that; the tweet stream allows you to follow what was previewed, as it actually happens; and the recap wraps it all up.

BTW, unless you received an email from me noting a specific grade, your grade for the Web post and Twitter exercises was 4.0 on each, with each equaling a practice story in final grade weight. (Future assignments will be graded more specifically and be of higher weight, though). Here we go ...


Kristin N.: sorority dinner preview and recap and tweets #hungryphis

Good use of hyperlinks in the posts and a good tweet stream, though the latter lacked a lede tweet letting us know what we were about to get into.


Andrea U.: sorority lunch preview and recap and tweets #bestcampuscook

A pair of Twitter pics help illustrate the stream. 


Kyle K.: JRN class preview and recap and tweets #stateofmindwideangle

Very nice use of relevant hyperlinks in the posts.


Kyna G.: laundry night preview and recap and tweets #launrdystinks 

Nice execution, but watch out for a hash tag that may be too common, like here.


Isabella C.:  TV show preview and recap and tweets #ilovespongebobhesgreat


Shanin T.: TV show preview and recap and tweets #creepyravenswood


Erik S.: basketball game preview and recap and tweets #pistons

We're missing a final tweet, posting how things ended. Also, if our intention was to interject our tweets into all tweets from around the world regarding the Detroit Pistons, then #pistons was a good call. But for this assignment, I asked for a unifying unique hash tag, to separate our tweet stream from others.


Maya I.-S.: TV show preview and recap and tweets #ravenswoodep2

Here, we have the same show that Shanin T. watched. Notice any differences? Plus, far more than the 12-tweet minimum and that's okay; do as many tweets as you need to best tell the story as it is happening.


Jordan J.: CAS class preview and recap and tweets #pmclassimpatience

Glad you're thrilled to discover the joy of hyperlinking. Here to help.


Sophie S.: roommate playing video game preview and recap and tweets  #nikkigamecubepro

The links really let us know the people playing, and what they are playing, exactly.


Ryan S.: late-night food run preview and recap and tweets #lambastecombos

We need a lede tweet in this stream, so the reader knows what you're about to broadcast. Good use of tweet pics here.


Christine L: late-night snack preview and recap and tweets #latenightsnack

Again, the hash tag isn't unique enough; our content gets lost when relying on the hash tag.


Spencer I.: soccer game preview and recap and tweets #msundsoccer

You can't have too many hyperlinks. If readers want to take your word for it and scan and go quickly, great. If they want to delve more deeply into the subject, they're covered. It's their choice, and flexibility in how to consume content is central to online news. Also, let's be sure to have a more specific lede tweet. It's kind of the same thinking as a story lede; be specific enough so the audience understands what this is and where it's going.


Alex S.: TV show preview and recap and tweets #roadtochoppedchamp

Again, we need a lede tweet. What we're doing here is taking the principles we learned in writing stories, and applying them to new ways of telling stories, like tweeting. But in carrying over those principles, we need to execute those principles. That means starting with a lede tweet, like we would have a story lede. It means describing things, as we'd offer description in a story. It means tweeting some quotes, in the same way we'd put quotes in a story, so we can show and not just tell. And while we can't lede with end result and ultimate outcome (because when we tweet, what is happening is still going on, while in a news story we start writing when all is said and done), in most cases we still should include end result and ultimate outcome, usually in the last tweet.


Juliana M.: laundry night preview and recap and tweets #laundryforthewin


Kelsey P: magazine editing preview and recap and tweets #vimfall13

Let's make sure we remember to include the unifying hash tag in EVERY related tweet. The last two tweets are missing the hash tag, so a reader searching for related content via hash tag would essentially be missing part of the "story" the hash tag-linked tweets created.


Colleen O: coffee break preview and recap and tweets #colleenoncoffee


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