Thursday, April 17, 2014

MM #3: One Last Look

As usual, in order in which they were received:

Kelsey B.: cafeteria nutrition video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #msucafenutrition

Good B-roll, and lots of it.

Sami S.: coaches with kids video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #coachparent

Good use of photos as B-roll, and narration to share interviews.

Brittanie C.: study abroad video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #studyabroadmsu

Nice title slide that does more than simply look good; it helps set context.

Chelsea E.: Mac vs. PC video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #pcormacmsu

The back-and-forth pacing between sources make it seem very conversational and natural.

Meagan B.: working as a student video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #jrn200jobs

In a visual medium, we need to show what we are reporting about. More B-roll would have been a big help. But thanks for the comedy at the end!

In a digital medium, we need to show what we are reporting about, too. In the case of the blogs, that means offering background through hyperlinks, which we are lacking.

Krystyn C.: benefits of running video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #5kmsujrn200

Watch for errors: we misspelled running in the title slide. Lots of useful hyperlinks in the blog posts and a good tweet stream, but the lede tweets (on what 5Ks are taking place) don't really match the essence of the stream (benefits of running).

Jessica S.: same-sex marriage video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #jrnssm

Back-lit situations are among the most problematic for lighting; make sure the light sources are coming from in front of the subject, and not behind. Plus, TRIPOD!!!

Hayley J.: underage drinking video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #jrnunderagedrinking

You know what would be good B-roll in a story about people drinking? People drinking. The blog posts are logically broken up: one is about the legal consequences of underage drinking; and the other is about health and well-being consequences.

Josh T.: studying for finals video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #jrnfinals

More variety of B-roll would have helped; perhaps shots of everyday students studying at the library, etc.

Amber H.: student orgs video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #msuaaorgs

The usual thing with newbie vids: more B-roll! Maybe students walking through campus, hanging out, etc. Too much similarity between the blog posts; neither is distinct. But a strong non-breaking enws tweet stream that clearly tells the story.

Akshita V.: off-campus crime video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #jrn200cedarst

B-roll, right? Since we weren't there the night the shooting happened, we have to improvise: police cars rolling through East Lansing; students walking around Cedar Village; newspaper headlines or screen shots of news Web pages; etc.

With the preview blog, we don't want to say we're talking to someone in the next post; just set up the background in the preview and simply talk to the people in the follow-up.

The lede tweet has a similar problem, it says students are to be interviewed. Since this is a non-breaking stream, we know what they'll say, so let's sum it up in the lede, like we would with a news story. The news isn't that they'll say something; it's what they say.

Alyssa R.: social media video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #jrn200socmedia

The title slide is a bit too vague; what is the story about social media? pros and cons? Good or bad? With the tweets, the unique hashtag is especially helpful to separate the story from the raw product, including tweets to neutral experts asking for comment.

Amra D.: FRIB video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #jrnfrib

I'm okay with less-than-perfect video but making sure people are framed adequately in the image is not an unreasonable expectation. One of the interview subject has a third of his head cut off in the frame. Not good.

Megan E.: international students video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #nationalstujrn200

A better variety of B-roll would have shown international students -- especially the one we interviewed -- going about their day: walking to class, taking notes, having dinner, etc. B-roll is like interviewing: how good it is depends on how much time you spend doing it.

Emily J.: same-sex marriage video and preview blog and follow-up post and tweets #jrnmarriage

We did legally obtain B-roll pics, right?

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