Monday, November 16, 2015

Out-Of-Class #3: Our Topics ...

... include ...

Why do students vote so little?
Choosing majors
Finding time to study
Going in "blind" with a roommate
The stress of facing the future
Tobacco use on campus
Graffiti: expression or vandalism?
Foreign students acclimating to life here
Cultural appropriation
What do people think of CATA?
The life of a student-athlete
Study abroad at MSU
"Hookup" dating culture

... and more!

Now, here's the deadline schedule:

* Your third out-of-class story written version will be due no later than 9 a.m. Monday, Nov. 30 by email to That included the 700-words-plus story with at leafs three human sources in it. So, you have a ton of time to work on that and get it done.

* Your third out-of-class story multimedia components will be due no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 2 by email to That includes the 12 tweets, two blog posts with at least two hyperlinks each and a 1-2 minute video with at least two human sources on tape with B-roll. That also means you will have class time that day to use as an open lab to finish your work.

* You will receive the graded version of your third out-of-class written story by the end of the day Dec.2. Then. the rewrite for the third out-of-class story written version will be due no later than 9 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 9 by email to That is the last day of class for the semester.

* Your optional fourth out-of-class story written version will also be due no later than 9 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 9 by email to You will not have a rewrite opportunity for this story. This is the deadline for all extra credit work as well.

* Your job shadow report will be due no later than 9 a.m. Monday, Dec. 7 by email to It often takes people 4-6 weeks to get a job shadow found, confirmed and done, so if you haven't started that yet, start today or risk seeing your final grade suffer as a result.

* Don't forget your second multimedia assignment is due no later than 9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17 by email to That's links to 12 tweets, two blog posts and a 1-2 minute video on all of or an aspect from one of your first two out-of-class stories.

* We have a few more exercises planned for the last few weeks; please stay tuned as they are announced.

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