Monday, November 9, 2015

Blogs/Tweets #1: Let's Look At Some Posts And Tweets!

Here are links to all our preview and recap posts, and tweet streams, on order in which they were turned in to me (the first one is first, and the last one is last).

Let's compare the work of each other and see what we did well, and what ideas we can get from others. Also, examine how the mediums complement each other: the preview does just that; the tweet stream allows you to follow what was previewed, as it actually happens; and the recap wraps it all up.

BTW, unless you received an email from me noting a specific grade, your grade for the Web post and Twitter exercises was 4.0 on each, with each equaling a practice story in final grade weight. (Future assignments will be graded more specifically and be of higher weight, though). Here we go ... 


Dimitri B.: day at the gym preview and recap and tweets #rjgetsswole 

Katie M.: laundry and study day preview and recap and tweets #procrastinatingkallumkal

Jaylyn G.: watching TV preview and recap and tweets #conspiracyjrn200

In the Twitter stream, we're missing a lede tweet that lets people know what we're about to follow. Let's not forget a lede tweet, in the same way a story needs a lede. Plus, we need first and last names on first attribution, like we would in a story.

Jingwen Z.: student dinner preview and recap and tweets #unexpectedmeal

A good lede tweet here. But let's make sure your hash tag is unique so it doesn't get mixed up with other unrelated things, like here.

Emily L.: watching TV preview and recap and tweets #kayfish

While each blog post is interconnected, each is independent, too. When you start following a blog you start where you start, and you don't go back to previous posts. So each post has to be relatable by someone who hasn't read previous posts. That means starting over with first attribution and such with each post.

Gabriella G.: making a meal preview and recap and tweets #marisainthekitchen

Krista W.: laundry night preview and recap and tweets #laundryoncampus

Caitlin D.: cleaning the fish bowl preview and recap and tweets #cleanbowlhappysalvatore

Laura B.: basketball game preview and recap and tweets #izzosalmamaterjrn200

Tweet vids add to the Twitter stream here. Think about how to best show and tell your story, and then act on those thoughts.

Will T.: lazy guy being lazy preview and recap and tweets #livinglikelarryjrn200

These posts do a good job of being interconnected yet independent. If you just read one, you can make sense of it on its own; if poured both they flow into each other.

Brittany F.: watching TV preview and recap and tweets #jmaldormroomlife

Gabby B.: baking cookies preview and recap and tweets #chocolatechipabby

Xin W.: lecture preview and recap and tweets #oldmoderngirlinjaopan

Again, we need a lede tweet so that people following the stream know what they're about to follow.

Starria C.: watching TV show preview and recap and tweets #whowillruntheempire

Abby B.: getting dressy preview and recap and tweets #fancyschmancygabby

If we're tweeting about how someone looks, then let's show how they look. The best medium to show how something looks isn;'t words; it's photos. So let's use the medium that best does the job. Don't just tell me; show me. 

Cyndi R.: doing homework preview and recap and tweets #collegechronicles

This hash tag may be too generic.

Kameron G.: homework and football preview and recap and tweets #kgwithmc

The tweet minimum was 12. Here, we have 20. Is that okay? Sure! Use as many tweets as you need to tell the story.

Kayla R.: dinner time preview and recap and tweets #eatatstate

Let's make sure each post has its own lede and moves the topic forward.

Adam T.: where to live preview and recap and tweets #jrn200dormtour

We need to be sure to lede with the end result for each post. The recap really should have led with being unsure where to live, instead of ending with it.

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