Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Blog/Tweets #1: Some Good Examples

First, regarding your grade on this assignment if you did not receive an email back from me with a grade, that means you got a 4.0 on each segment of the assignment, with the tweet stream, the preview post and the recap post each counting as a practice story grade toward your final grade.

Some general observations, first for tweets:

  • Don't forget a lede tweet! People need to know what you are about to start streaming, right?
  • It's good to use pics and hyperlinks in your tweet stream.
  • It's also good to have some quote tweets embedded in your stream.

Now, for blog posts:

  • Be sure to lede each post like we would a story, with end result and ultimate outcome.
  • Remember blog posts are intended to be read in a stream, so make it complementary to the previous post or posts.
  • Then again, remember that when blog readers start reading a blog, they don't go all the way back to the first post ever and then work their way back; they start where they start. So each post has to have just enough background to get people up to speed.
  • Don't forget hyperlinks!

Now, some examples of the work that you guys did. Do take a look to see how it compares to what you did:

Katie K.: homework time preview and recap and tweets #msulibrarygrind

Honda C.: high school basketball preview and recap and tweets #breslinboysbasketball

Tony B.: flipping houses preview and recap and tweets #hgtvmsu

Jocelyn T.: workout day preview and recap and tweets #letsworkout

Alexis G.: watching TV preview and recap and tweets #gameofthronessunday

Alan W.: family play time preview and recap and tweets #lamacchiaplaytime

Mary S: dispensary trip preview and recap and tweets #dispenstory

Riley M.: TV show preview and recap and tweets #bbs4finale

Ben C.: card game preview and recap and tweets #primetimeeuchre

Nicole B.: movie night preview and recap and tweets #neighbors2

Kayleigh R.: studying preview and recap and tweets #latenightstudyingritual

Austin G.: video game preview and recap and tweets #325grovemaddenshowdown

Yujin O.: noodle meal preview and recap and tweets #spicybuldakchallenge

Jingjing N.: video shoot preview and recap and tweets #tenureshootingday

Allia McD.: vet visit preview and recap and tweets #jojoandkevatthevet

Michael D.: video game preview and recap and tweets #rainbowsixgamer

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