Wednesday, November 23, 2016

MM #3: A Few Examples Of What You Did

Please take a look at these examples and see what ideas you can get for furthering your new media and multimedia story-telling skills:

* Amelia P.: scooter/pedestrian conflicts video and blog posts

The video is pretty solid. Good lede captioning, good back-and-forth use of sources, good and varied B-roll. The one B-roll we missed was showing the actual conflict -- pedestrians and scooters mixed together. To find that, that probably would take taken about five minutes of standing around campus during a class change period. With the blog, good use of hyperlinks.

* Cassie B.: college options video and blog posts

Strong blog posts here with good use of hyperlinks. With the video, we needed a greater variety of B-roll, showing the campuses. That means going to at leafs one of them. I know that's extra work, but video is a visual medium that requires us to go and shoot what we are reporting on. If you're going into broadcast, you must get used to that. 

* Ivy H.: trash on campus video and blog posts

A nice variety of B-roll, but let's be sure to use some B-roll during the speaking segments of our sources. Start with the talking head talking; while they keep talking shift the shot to that of B-roll showing what they are talking about, and just before they wrap up what they have to say shift the shot back to the talking head.

* Nick K.: Sparty statue video and blog posts

Again, let's be sure to use some B-roll during the speaking segments of our sources. Start with the talking head talking; while they keep talking shift the shot to that of B-roll showing what they are talking about, and just before they wrap up what they have to say shift the shot back to the talking head.

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