Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Murder: Write With (AP) Style

Does the general AP Style number rule of spelling out numbers under 10 and using numerals for 10 and over?

Actually, no. Here is what it says in AP Style under times:

Use figures except for noon and midnight.

So 9 a.m. is 9 a.m., not nine a.m.

Also, is it 5-feet-10-inch or 5'10 or five foot ten or 5 feet 10 inches?

It's the first one or the last one. AP Style, under dimensions:

Use figures and spell out inches, feet, yards, ect, to indicate depth, height, length and width. Hyphenate adjectival forms before nouns.

EXAMPLES: He is 5 feet 6 inches tall, the 5-foot-6-inch man, the 5-foot man, the basketball team signed a 7-footer.

Use an apostrophe to indicate feet and quote marks to indicate inches (5'6") only in very technical contexts. 

Also, in referring to the day of the week, should you have said yesterday or the actual day of the week?

In general, it's the latter. Sayeth AP Style under time element:

Use the days of the week, not today or tonight in print copy. Use the month and a figure where appropriate.

Moving on; on first reference, you use a first and last name: Kevin Blohm. But what do you do on a second and subsequent references?

Here is AP Style, under names:

In general, use only last names on second reference.

So, in most second reference situations, it would be just, Blohm. Not Kevin or Kevin Blohm, just Blohm.

Plus, do not say Mr. Blohm. Under AP Style, names:

In subsequent references, do not continue using the title before a name. Use only the last name.

Same goes if you're using titles in first references like Dr. or Capt. or Rep., ect.

Moving on, make sure that you are using commas to end quotes ahead of attribution, like this:

"Ouch. I'm dead," Kevin Blohm said.

... and NOT like this ...

"Ouch. I'm dead." Kevin Blohm said.

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