Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Rescue: Late Fatals

Let's make sure we understand what we're writing before we start writing.

In one case, we said the boy was freed 12 minutes after the fire department arrived. In fact, he was freed 32 minutes after arrival; it was 12 minutes that separated the time of collapse and the fire department's arrival.

In a second case, we said he was buried for 12 minutes before being freed. In fact, he was buried for 44 minutes. Again, 12 minutes was the time between the collapse and fire department arrival.

Then, we had the run-of-the-mill type of mistake, where we referred to Wagner Development Corp., when in fact it was Wagnor Development Corp., with the uncommon spelling of Wagnor.

And that brings us down to one lonely person who has yet to fatal this semester. You know who you are; the rest of you don't.

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