Yep, another practice story!
You will write a story based on information from Ch. 16, Ex. 1, p. 341, #1. The slug will be SQUIRRELS.
For this assignment, the school in question is Lansing Community College. The city in which all this is taking place is Lansing. The name of a professor is spelled two different ways; the correct spelling is Brookes. The incorrect spelling is Brooks, and using the latter spelling will get you a fatal.
Your deadline will be no later than 9 a.m. Thursday to
In filing, be sure that you put down your name, the due date, the assignment slug and the assignment page numbers in the upper left-hand corner of your Word document.
Also, please make sure you are, in fact, using a Word document, and not some other format that I may or may not be able to open or add comments to.
Also, in the email subject line, just put down the slug, and nothing else. Not your name, not anything. Just the slug,m which in this case is SQUIRRELS. Doesn't matter if it's upper-case, lower-case or a combination thereof.
Also, make sure you are reviewing the AP Stylebook and/or AP Style blog posts, as needed. I have begun grading you in part based on your adherence AP Style.
(And it wouldn't hurt to backtrack to blog posts regarding any subject area where you think you still need some work. Each blog post has a tag at the bottom that categorizes it. Clicking on such tags will bring up all blog posts with similar tags. So, if you click on one "AP Style" tag, the blog will pull out all blog posts with that tag.)
Any questions? Call or text me at 702-271-7983 or email me at
You will write a story based on information from Ch. 16, Ex. 1, p. 341, #1. The slug will be SQUIRRELS.
For this assignment, the school in question is Lansing Community College. The city in which all this is taking place is Lansing. The name of a professor is spelled two different ways; the correct spelling is Brookes. The incorrect spelling is Brooks, and using the latter spelling will get you a fatal.
Your deadline will be no later than 9 a.m. Thursday to
In filing, be sure that you put down your name, the due date, the assignment slug and the assignment page numbers in the upper left-hand corner of your Word document.
Also, please make sure you are, in fact, using a Word document, and not some other format that I may or may not be able to open or add comments to.
Also, in the email subject line, just put down the slug, and nothing else. Not your name, not anything. Just the slug,m which in this case is SQUIRRELS. Doesn't matter if it's upper-case, lower-case or a combination thereof.
Also, make sure you are reviewing the AP Stylebook and/or AP Style blog posts, as needed. I have begun grading you in part based on your adherence AP Style.
(And it wouldn't hurt to backtrack to blog posts regarding any subject area where you think you still need some work. Each blog post has a tag at the bottom that categorizes it. Clicking on such tags will bring up all blog posts with similar tags. So, if you click on one "AP Style" tag, the blog will pull out all blog posts with that tag.)
Any questions? Call or text me at 702-271-7983 or email me at
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