Also, examine how the mediums complement each other: the preview does just that; the tweet stream allows you to follow what was previewed, as it actually happens; and the recap wraps it all up.
BTW, unless you received an email from me noting a specific grade, your grade for the Web post and Twitter exercises was 4.0 on each, with each equaling a practice story in final grade weight. (Future assignments will be graded more specifically and be of higher weight, though).
Here we go ...
Meghan C.: kids of the office preview and recap and tweets #kidsoftheoffice
Three big problems with the blog posts: first, they are not independent of each other. A reader HAS to read the first one to understand the second one. While they should be interrelated, a reader should be able to start at any post and get the background without having to go backwards and revisit earlier posts.
Second, there are no hyperlinks; the minimum for the assignment was two per post. We could have hyperlinked to social media pages of the individual we were writing about or the company home pages, etc.
Third, we didn't follow AP style rules. Even if we're trying new mediums, we need to carry over the habits we learned.
The tweet stream was great, however. She took us through the day, event-by-event, and supplemented things with pictures. Nice work there.
Rachel B.: birthday celebration preview and recap and tweets #todd's57th
The blog here is dead-on: you can read one or the other or both and not have any background questions. You have hyperlinks so you can explore the topic in greater detail. Good tweet stream., but don't use punctuation in a hash tag; punctuation cuts off the hash tag, so in this case it's reduced from #todd's57th to just #todd.
Kenedi R.: parent visit preview and recap and tweets #momontherun
Good blog posts, but we're missing AP style in that we're not using first and last names on all first references. Again, even though it's a different medium let's use the same habits we've been developing this semester. Tweets are strong, but would have been stronger with Tweet pics like the ones in Meghan's tweet stream.
Shannon K.: taking a trip preview and recap and tweets #jongoestoeurope
What an otherwise-solid tweet stream is missing is a lede tweet: we need to start with a tweet saying what we're going to start tweeting about, in the same way a news story needs a lede to say what they story is going to be about. (Like I said, we need to carry over the habits we learned this summer to the work we're doing in a different medium now.) A good blog with good hyperlinks, but the preview and recap should have been separate posts with separate headlines.
Sakiya D.: TV show preview and recap and tweets #lawandordersvu
Again, we're missing a lede tweet that would allow the reader to know what they are about to see tweets about. Plus, the hash tag may be too generic; instead of giving the reader a specific hash tag that they could use to pick out this specific tweet stream from the crowd, it actually mixes in a lot of unrelated tweets using the same hash tag if one clicks on the hash tag itself.
Rachel F.: golf outing preview and recap and tweets #notredamegolfouting
The Twitter stream here has a good lede tweet:
Now, people know what you're about to start streaming.
Plus, the blog posts effectively use many hyperlinks: more than the two per that were required. You caa't have enough hyperlinks. If readers want to skip 'em, they can. If they want to delve as deeply as they want into the topic, they can without having to go anywhere else.
Kamen K.: A different golf outing preview and recap and tweets #therealopen15
Like Meaghan C.'s bog, we need to make sure that the second post doesn't assume that people read the first post; we need to reintroduce first references and just enough background so that someone who didn't read the first post will know what's going on, but not so much where someone who DID read the first post will have to revisit a lot of stuff they already know.
Aundreanna J.-P.: baby's day preview and recap and tweets #babyzariahsday
Nice job of showing and telling with the tweets. She tweets about the baby pool; she shows us a pif of the baby pool. It's really that simple, folks.
Penelope S.: Disneyland preview and recap and tweets #paint716
Again, two hyperlinks per post is the minimum; it's better to aim for far beyond the minimum. Same with tweets; we doubled the number of required tweets, and that's great! Use as many tweets and hyperlinks as needed to best tell the story.
Natasha B.: Busy day preview and recap and tweets #dishwashingescapade2k15
Instead of using headlines of "preview" and "recap," let's come up with headlines that actually sum up each post, like, "David Blakeley Has To Work After Work" and, "David Blakeley Is Finally Finished For The Day," or something like that.
Plus, again let's be sure we're following AP style rules, like those regarding no first-person attribution outside of quotes.
And the tweets could have used a lede tweet, too.
Nadia L.: TV show preview and recap and tweets #nightcrawler
Good Tweet stream, but the hash tag is a bit too generic. The blog posts are fine, but missing hyperlinks. If you're not hyperlinking, you're not doing online journalism.
Courtney K.: Making dinner preview and recap and tweets #debbiecooks?
Hyperlinks aren't just for blog posts; the tweet stream includes one here, linking to the dinner recipe itself. But then the blog posts don't have any hyperlinks, which isn't good. Plus, let's follow news and AP style conventions: first attributions need a first and last name, etc.
Hallie A.: wedding preview and recap and tweets #uofmwed
The blog posts have the same issues as Courtney K.'s: no hyperlinks, no adherence to the rules we've been working on the past 10 weeks. The tweet stream was fine, but some photos would have added some punch, no?
Kevyn C.-R.: TV watching preview and recap and tweets #morningroutine
Lots of hyperlinks, which is good. Show us as much as you can. While in written stories for print we show and tell all in the same story and in text, with online journalism we tell in the text and show through hyperlinks. A better lede tweet would have gone to what the overall activity was: binge-watching TV, rather than just how the binge was about to start.
Ray T.: lazy day preview and recap and tweets #traversecitylazysunday
Missing a lede tweet on an otherwise-good tweet stream.
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