Monday, August 4, 2014

JRN 200: About Quiz Grades

Quiz grades represent about 15 percent of your final grade. Grades that apply to the quiz total include the ethics quiz (worth 15 points), the media law quiz (worth 17 points) and the biggie, the upcoming AP style quiz (88 points, which will be assigned Tuesday).

In addition, I am adding the ethics photo review to the quiz grade total. You are eligible for up to 30 points, with 10 points per photo commented upon.

So, your quiz grade will be whatever percentage you have correct out of the 150 total points. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Regarding the specific quizzes, everybody did at least good on the ethics quiz. That's good. By now, it's important that ethical principles be clear. The one question that most people got tripped up (and it's a question that trips up most previous JRN 200 classes) was #14: Professional organizations can compel members to follow their ethics codes.

The correct answer is false; professional groups like the Society of Professional Journalists cannot force journalists or news organizations to follow ethics codes. Ethics can be overlooked at will; it's up to each and every journalist to enforce good ethics.

On the media law quiz, most people did okay-to-not-great. Actually, that's okay, and typical for previous JRN 200 classes. While ethics involve broad principles, media law involves many technicalities and specifics. It takes a bit longer than this class to pick up the finer points.

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