Tuesday, February 7, 2017

JRN 200: Your Wednesday 2/8 Homework, Part 1

It's time for us to move from practicing ledes to trying to organize a full-blown story. So, the assignment before you is to write a story based on the information given to you in Reporting For The Media, 11th Edition, Chapter 9, Exercise 2, story 4 from p. 208.

Your slug will be CONTROVERSIAL. The length of the story should be whatever you feel it needs to be to sufficiently cover the subject at hand so a reader can fully understand what happened and see your evidence for your main points.

(You will be graded on whether that length sufficiently meets that requirement.)

Your deadline will be 9 a.m. Thursday morning via email to omars@msu.edu.

Before completing this practice story, please be sure to read the latest blog posts, posted here. It's important that you do, to make sure that you're on-point with the main points of the readings. The posts also include greater detail and examples of ways to organize the body of a story, so the latest readings are especially important to what we're doing today.

Also, please make sure you're reading the blog on a daily basis, and checking for updates every weekday. On the last assignment, I had some people say they didn't know we had an assignment. That tells me that not all of us are reading the blog, as those who did were able to meet the deadline and do everything they were supposed to do.

A reminder: virtually everything we do in this class -- including getting assignments -- revolves around the blog. It is YOUR responsibility to keep up with the latest blog postings, and to read each and every one, and act accordingly.

The blog will be updated every weekday, no later than 9 a.m. And if you have problems getting to a computer, the blog is also formatted to be read on your smart phones, using the same URL of http://jrn200isfunblog.blogspot.com/.

Any questions? Call me at 702-271-7983, email me at omars@msu.edu, or schedule an appointment to see me at my office at CAS 360. Good luck to all!

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