Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Out-of-Class Rewrites: A Reminder

As noted in the syllabus, you only get ONE rewrite opportunity among the three out-of-class stories. If you did a rewrite for the first story, then you don't have that option for your second or third stories. 

And you only have the rewrite option for the story in question until the rewrite deadline for that assignment. For example, now that the first rewrite deadline has passed no one can go back and say they want to do a rewrite on the first story.

By the way, the rewrite of the second out-of-class story (if you are eligible to do a rewrite and choose to pursue one) will be due no later than 9 a.m. Monday, Nov. 14 via email to

So, what to do if you burn your rewrite on one story, and then mess up on the next? There is an option left to you: if you do an optional fourth out-of-class story, then the grade for your fourth story replaces the worst grade you had on your first three out-of-class stories. 

The deadline for story pitches for both your required third out-of-class story AND the optional fourth out-of-class story will be no later than 9 a.m. Monday, Nov. 7 by email to Same formats as the earlier ones, and the same need for a trend or issue that you can report first-hand.

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