Thursday, October 20, 2016

Covering The Elections: An Extra Credit Opportunity Reminder

For the upcoming presidential election, the MSU School of Journalism is going all-out!

All JRN clases are offering some sort of opportunities to get involved in election coverage (with some classes making it the focal point of what they will be doing in and out of class o0ver the next few weeks).

You can see some of that work on a special public Web site that has been set up to post the classwork by clicking right here.

For our class, we will have an extra credit opportunity on Election Day, which is on Tuesday,  Nov. 8. Students may sign up to work four-hour blocks starting between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. and help report the elections from the new multimedia newsroom that's on the first floor of the Communications Sciences & Arts (CAS) building.

Students are needed to both help write stories on deadline that night, and to go out and do interviews around town with students on their voting choices. You can do whatever you feel most comfortable doing on that night.

This is a great opportunity for you to build work samples that will be available publicly online that you can use to help support applications for internships and work in both student and professional media. 

And that's no small thing; journalism and media are very much fields of demonstrated ability, which means future employers want to see not just your grades, but what you actually have produced in terms of content.

To participate, you must sign up ahead of Election Day! To do so, please email Professor L.A. Dickerson at or call her on her cell at 248-894-5518. 

To get extra credit, you must provide me proof of your work that night! If you write a story, I need to get a link to your bylined story from the MSU election site. If you contributed to a story, I must get a link to the same.

If you have any questions about what you'd do that night, please contact L.A. If you have any questions about extra credit, please contact me ASAP. And if this is something you would like to do, please sign up sooner rather than later via L.A.

Good luck, everyone!

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