Monday, August 8, 2016

Job Shadows: What You Saw, Part 3

Here's a sampling of some of the various job shadows done by you all. Take a look and see what you can learn from everyone's visits. There's a lot of good stuff here to help you decide what you want to do with your lives; what you need to be doing to get there; and what to expect when you do get there.

We will add more job shadow reports to the blog as they are completed. Please give each one of these a quick read, will you?


On Thursday, July 14, I tiredly arrived at the WTCM radio station on Front Street in Traverse City. Jack O'Malley welcomed my twin sister, Patricia, and I into his studio at 4:00am as we started the morning off with much needed coffee. We talked about the morning ahead and he shared his history with us of the radio business. His show goes live every morning at 5:00, so in preparation we together went over the products that were to be covered in the show and learned how to use the technology required to air the show. With Jack O'Malleys great sense of humor we laughed off the mistakes as my sister and I finally began to figure out the devices. At 5 o'clock with the live show airing O'Malley introduced us as his guests and the show was kicked off with our pre recorded clips that we had made.

As my sister and I were on air with Jack O'Malley I gradually became more comfortable. Hearing my voice at first was alarming, but we steered towards topics like life at Michigan State and what is like to be a twin. These are almost "safe zone" topics for me so we were able to have fun on air and even include callers commenting on our stories.

Before setting up this job shadow, I had never considered the radio network to be a part of my future. I instead had thought of television and saw myself as a reporter or host. Talking to Jack O'Malley he told me how he too had thought this way when he was younger but now after working 32 years as a radio host he knew he was "where he was meant to be." After my shadow, I could see myself working with a radio station as a career as I saw how much fun Jack O'Malley has with the WTCM station and his audience.

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