Here's a sampling of some of the various job shadows done by you all. Take a look and see what you can learn from everyone's visits. There's a lot of good stuff here to help you decide what you want to do with your lives; what you need to be doing to get there; and what to expect when you do get there.
We will add more job shadow reports to the blog as they are completed. Please give each one of these a quick read, will you?
I have spent the day with a journalist from the Mondadori
publications. She is an editor for the magazine Donna Moderna.
The day started
out with a meeting about the many stories the journalists had to write, she was
working on an article about the Olympics. She explained to me how she is used
to writing article and the process she goes through while writing. As soon as she
was done she received articles to edit. This is something I had only done in
classes so it was interesting to see how she applied the SEO and all the
variations of what I learned in “real life scenario”.
She explained that she
used to work for a newspaper but that due to the stagnant market for journalist
she had to move to magazines. She explained that many newspapers are going out
of business and therefore there are too many journalists for the positions
available. At this point the phone rang (the phones kept ringing throughout the
day) and she had to talk to one of her sources. She allowed me to listen in
since it was a friend of hers. The rest of the day she continued to explain how
to edit and write articles.
I don’t think I would be a fit for this particular
publication. I do not have interest in fashion nor do I in local events.
However the tips she gave me on writing and editing were really interesting and
I was intrigues by how she used SEO so efficiently. I would love to work as an
editor but I also liked the way many of the articles were written. Even though
the publication was not the best fit, her job was perfect for what I want to
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