This is crunch time in the semester, causing stress for many undergraduate and graduate students. They are trying to catch up, create projects based on what they’ve learned and study hard for exams. There is the added stress of the unknown final grade, which may have scholarship, graduation, financial, family and other repercussions. They are trying to plan for next semester. And, have work issues. In addition, some students have things happening in their personal lives that may affect their academic progress.
MSU resources for students are listed below. Most resources are for anyone in need, and are not exclusive. We don’t always know when someone is in need nor do they reach out. Thank you for your help.
For Students
MSU Counseling Center:
Student Services Building, room 207
Office hours and walk-in/crisis hours are Monday - Friday
Emergency services outside of office hours are available.
Olin’s Medical, Counseling, and Psychiatry Services:
They usually refer students first to the MSU Counseling Center (above), with additional or follow-up Psychiatry Services at Olin Health Center.
Olin Health Center
Resource Center for persons with Disabilities (RCPD):
The Services tab lists temporary conditions, depression, learning disabilities, etc.
Bessey Hall, room 120
Ele’s Place:
For students who are grieving
1145 Oakland Ave. in Lansing
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