Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Out-Of-Class #3/4: What You Need To Know

For the third and optional fourth out-of-class stories, if you haven't heard from me then you have been approved with your topic. Having said that, many of the proposals were too narrow in sourcing; for your stories you will need all sides of complexity represented: people whose actions are driving the subject and people affected by it; people with direct roles in the subject and neutral experts; quotes and telling data.

I will be grading you much harder than in the past OOC stories; whatever got you a good grade last time will not suffice here. The whole point of all the work we did this semester was to be at the top of our game now, and that's what I will expect.

Plus, for the third out-of-classer we are going to have all mediums converge; that is, in addition to the usual 700-word, three human source minimum story you will also have to do two blog posts with at least two hyperlinks each; a tweet stream of at least 12 tweets with a unifying hash tag; and a 1-2 minute video on your topic or an aspect of the topic, with at least two human sources on tape and adequate B-roll.

Then, I need you to send me an attachment of the written story and links to all the multimedia elements to Your deadline will be no later than 8 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 25, which is the Monday before Thanksgiving, giving you almost two weeks to do this.

I will try to have graded written stories back to you by the end of the day Wednesday, Nov. 26. Optional rewrites will then be due by 8 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 4, which is the last day of teh semester.

The optional fourth out-of-class story will also be due no later than 8 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 4. For that story, you only need to do the 700-word report, but if you would like to do multimedia elements you may.

You also may do a fourth multimedia assignment (without the written story component) if you wish, and that would replace your lowest multimedia grades.

Also, we have homework I'd like you to complete before the next class: please read RFTM Ch. 6 and 7 (p. 129-186) before Tuesday, Nov. 18.

Any questions? Please see me.

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