Again, for our opening assignment in using social media and writing about
breaking news, what I will ask you to do is to pick out anything you observe as part of your
daily routine for which to write an online breaking news preview story,
an online breaking news follow-up story, and a live tweet stream as the
event is unfolding.
When I say I want you to do
anything in your daily routine, I do mean anything. Cover your watching
your favorite TV show. Or your roommate making breakfast. Or a game on
TV you're watching. Really, anything.
want these to be observations, not something you're participating in.
For example, you can cover your roommate making breakfast, but not a
first-person account of you making breakfast yourself. Just like with a
news story, don't use first-person references.)
The reason for
that is that I simply want you to get used to the technical process,
without having to do any real and time-consuming reporting. We will
incorporate reporting in latter versions of this assignment.
The parameters of the assignment include:
-- Each breaking news entry being about the SAME topic, being covered as a preview and then a recap of what happened
-- Each breaking news story staying over the 100-word minimum
-- The breaking news stories being written in a journalistic style, as opposed to a first-person blog-like style
-- Each breaking news item containing two working hyperlinks, inserted onto text
-- A minimum of 12 tweets on the same subject as the breaking news topic
-- Each tweet having a consistent unique hash tag, to allow the tweets to be chained together
Now, to give you an idea of what
the final product might look like, let's look at breaking news/tweet
combos from the first such assignment my summer 2012 JRN 200 class, and
let's talk about what worked and what can be done better.
And we're off:
Max: Stanley Cup preview / review /tweets #maxonstanleycup
Molly: making a sandwich preview / review / tweets #bestroomie
Tiarra: TV show preview / review / tweets #funnyshow
Justin: NBA Finals preview / review / tweets #NBAFJRN200MSU
Emily: TV show preview / review / tweets #finallysomedecenttv
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